New Jersey Transit
Burlington County Chamber of Commerce
State of New Jersey Official Web Site
The designation as a research institution also means theuniversity will help culty compete for multimillion-dollar grantssuch as the National Institute of Health or the National ScienceFoundation. In addition to the direct benefits associated with theexpansion of the Rowan University footprint in South Jersey, theoverall benefits are something that will be felt throughout theregion as new companies look to relocate here to partner with thenew university and more of New Jerseys aspiring students decide tostay in-state to pursue their study.
Address:8400 N. Bristol Pike
NJ Courts Online
Intelligencer 215-345-3000E-mail:[email protected]
Burlington County Official Web Site
The ce and scope of education in South Jersey no doubt willchange dramatically if Gov. Chris Christies plans to mergeRutgers-Camden with Rowan University become a reality. The ce ofbusiness and the condition of the economy in our part of the GardenState will be forever enhanced.
Representing the council, a member-based organization whosemission is to promote responsible regional economic investment,development and growth in South Jersey, I look forward to seeingwhat the new Rowan/Rutgers-Camden University brings not only tothose schooltechnical school new jerseys, but also to our businesses, our communities and theregion.
Burlington 609-871-8000
Burlington County Master Gardeners
Southern New Jersey Development Council
technical school new jersey Rowan-Rutgers merger will benefit region - : Reader Voices,The Southern New Jersey Development Council is looking forwardto this new comprehensive research institution serving as anothercylinder in the regions economic engine. While some may beconcerned about the potential short-term ramifications of themerger, we expect the move to be beneficial for the regionsbusinesses and communities.
Courier 215-949-4000
Marlene Z. Asselta
Public Notices
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Mount Laurel resident Eric Carlin, 19, completes 44 ollies in a minute on Monday afternoon, breaking Rob Dyrdeks record of 42. Carlin is the reigning title holder for the Guinness World Record of the most consecutive ollies.
The merged institution promises increased access to education,which will prepare a stronger workforce. It promises expandedpartnerships, which will provide more opportunities for businessesto work with Rowan/Rutgers-Camden professors and students. Themerged university in effect becomes a calling card that will drawmore firms to our region, and those firms no doubt will delivermore jobs and contribute to the overall growth of South Jerseyseconomy.
Levittown, PA 19057
Calkins Media, Inc.
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